2014年4月8日 星期二

My plan and workflow

Visual Development Workflow

So I divided my work content for visual development into two parts.
Firstly, I will focus on  character,and the props come with the characters based on the story.
Secondly,I will start designing the environments.

According to the deliverable I provided before,there will be six characters and two environments.
In additions,based on the training I received in AAU, I estimate visual development  process for a character normally takes a week.

It starts with collecting information of a character.In order to visualize my imagination,I have to collect every picture available that best depict the impression of a character in my mind.This is the Character One Sheet.

A Character One Sheet consists of  3 sections.

1.Emotional Content:
Emotional content pointed out a character's characteristic or style and how that give a certain impression to the player's emotion.

2.Character Information:
It contents the basic information of the character like gender,how old or how tall is he/she,where is he/she from,what he/she do for a living.

3.Art Direction
There are so many different art style for various game,therefore the art direction section are responsible of settle down the overall art direction the artist wants to go for.Is it realistic or stylized? When is the story take place?Is it a futuristic Sci-Fi game or a high-fantasy game?
The artist has to decided the overall art direction in the initial stage for a visual development project, otherwise it will be a waste of time in the end

There are something like one sheet for the environments as well,the content is similar to the character one sheet

Story Synopsis

Forgetfulness has become a serious disease for the people in this world. As a result, human discovered a way to stop “forgetting”.
Scientists indicate that certain monsters called ”mementos” are responsible for devouring people’s memories.
There are two ways to protect yourself from the “mementos." One is by taking a newly invented medicine prescribed by the specialists. However, there are rumors saying that the medicine might cause side effects to the human body.
The other way to save memory is to hire a mercenary group that are capable of killing ”mementos.”The story unfolds during a mission of one of these mercenaries.


This is a list of deliverable I shall create for my thesis
1.    Hero
2.    Heroin
3.    The boy
4.    The Young Lord
5.    The Lord's Guardian
6.    Villagers

A Wolf-Like Creature
Character Props
1.    Earphone
2.    Sunglasses
3.    Pen
4.    Hair Ribbon
5.    Pouch x 3 for Char 1~3
6.    Whip
7.    Rifle-Sword
               1.   Fortress

               2.   Stone Bridge