2014年4月15日 星期二

Character one sheet # 3

Emotional Content:

Character information:
 Position in the story: Antagonist
 Gender: Male
 Occupation : The lord of the fortress
 References :All the feminine JRPG characters disputed by the western players.
He is the regular type of character you can see in various Japanese RPG. They are too feminine in the eyes of some western players.And this is the situation he will be facing in the story.As the elder son of a legendary hero who founded a kingdom in a fortress on the mountain,he received extremely high anticipation since the day he was born.Unfortunately, he was born with a pretty face and slender body disliked by most masculine people in the fortress.They question his ability to lead,and things getting worse when his father suddenly went disappeared,left the throne and burden to him.In Asia,there was a figure in the Chinese history who had a similar experience. 

Gao ChangGong, who share the same trial as him,resolved the problem with his outstanding military genius,won numerous battles for his country,and eventually received the approval from the people around him. Gao was famous for wearing a mask to the battle. He knew he is too pretty as a general and that will make his enemy look down on him.So he put on the mask to deceive the enemy's feeling,gave them the fear generated by mystery and unknown.

Thought Hiatt do not wear a mask, he was able to create a poker-face to seal his true feeling,making it invisible by the exterior world.It is also a priority goal for him to win supporter through splendid action and achievement. This pressure and trial in his life substantially create the complexity of Hiatt's personality.

Art Style:
Folk style ,General coat,Military suits