2014年4月22日 星期二

Environment one sheet # 1 The kingdom on the peak of the mountain

Emotional Contents:

Environment information:
This is a fortress built on the top of  a mountain.It is surrounded by other mountains and forest,thus make it an isolated territory from other nations' malice.She had never fall over to the hand of her enemy.Thought she was invaded by her enemies three times in the history, she still stands firmly with her dignity.

Just like what I did to the character design ,I imagined a fortress with mixed style.The time setting is still in steam punk era, but the people live there had their unique culture and custom that separated themselves form other contemporary nations. Since architecture represent the culture,the fortress shall be as unique as her dweller.

My first idea is the Tibetan architecture.It is different from the Pan-East-Asian Architectural style,it has her own style due to her peculiar religion and custom. The Potala Palace became my main inspiration since she is the symbolic landscape in Tibet. In addition, there is another famous building that represent the mixture of different culture -- Istanbul.
Istanbul's destiny is similar to the fortress in this story.They are both invaded by exotic forces with a distinguishing culture.The differences between the fortress and Istanbul is that she had never really be took over by the enemy force.

